



  • What is a DNR?
    DNR is an acronym for Domain Name Registration.


  • Why is a domain name important?
    Your domain name is your identity on the Internet, also known as your Web site address or URL.


  • How do I search for a domain name?
    Click on this link to get started.


  • How do I register/reserve a domain name?
    Click on the this link to register a name for your business. It should be your name or your company's name. If it's available, you can start having a Web presence within days.


  • Why are there so many extensions available?
    There are now tens of millions of .com domain names on the Internet, so adding more extensions offers you more opportunities to register your preferred name.


  • How do I use the lookup tool?
    Just type the domain name you're searching for, choose an extension and then click "Search". It will determine if it's available.


  • What does a domain name cost?
    $9.95/a year/per name. You can register a name for up to 10 years in advance.


  • What if a domain name is not available?
    When the domain name you want is NOT available, TECI can provide you with some alternative domain names and extensions to your preferred name.


  • What is WHOIS?
    WHOIS is the database of all domain name Registrars (owners). WHOIS contains information about the Domain Name, nameservers, registration, and sometimes, the expiration dates.